Tuesday 21 May 2013

Pay anomaly row in Police,DGP shots letter to Chief Secretary No action has been taken , Govt is in slumber,Thousands of cops ignored again

BEIGH SHAMIM AHMED :-May 21: Director General of Police Ashok Prasad in an apparent move to relieve police force from financial problems has shot a letter to Chief Secretary Mohammad Iqbal Khandey appealing him to consider the issue of pay anomaly in different ranks of Jammu and Kashmir Police.Soon after the Cabinet approved the removal of pay anomaly for Revenue Officers on Tuesday, DG Police Ashok Prasad shot a letter vide reference number Estt/PG-5/11/09-22496 to Chief Secretary Mohammad Iqbal Khandey lamenting that this issue which has been under the consideration of the State Government for a pretty long time has not been addressed yet.“Since the issue of pay anomaly pertains to about 90 per cent of the police strength, resolution of the same would have a very positive effect on the overall morale of the force. It is accordingly requested that the matter may kindly be looked into for expeditious disposal and issuance of the formal orders by the concerned department at an earliest,” the letter reads.The letter further reads that the formal orders in this regard are yet to be issued by the Finance Department although the matter has repeatedly been brought into the notice of the concerned by the Police Head Quarter (PHQ).“Even after issuances of the 6th Pay Commission vide SRO 93/2009 dated 15-4-2009, the issue of anomalies continues to persist as the State Government did not address the same during 6th Pay Commission recommendations.Mean while thousands of police cops working in different wings suffering badly since for a long time and no action has been taken by the Government till date and the Govt unresolved their pay anomaly pending with the state government.

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