Tuesday 16 April 2013

“ GoI commends Govt for successful implementation of MGNREGA’:- Sagar Report is encouraging but still have to go long way: -Mir Altaf

Srinagar, April 16 :- Government of India in it 26 page report has termed the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) as a success in Jammu and Kashmir and has claimed that five lakh and twently-eight thousand unemployed youth were given job cards under this scheme while as 42,123 developmental works have been completed by the government of Jammu and Kashmir.According to the Government of India report, the scheme has been implemented in letter and spirit as per the norms and being monitored on the lines of e-governance. The report says that Panchayat institutions are being playing a pro-active role in the implementation of this important flagship programme. The report has adjudged Jammu and Kashmir as the best state for successful implementation of MGNREGA and ranked it number one in the country.The report maintains that the government of Jammu and Kashmir especially the Rural and Development Ministry has left no stone unturned in making the Act successful in the state. “The way youth are being provided job cards and developmental works undertaken is appreciable, “the report reads.Describing the report based on facts, Rural and Development and Panchayati Raj Minister,
Ali Mohammad Sagar said that nearly 75 per cent population is involved in this scheme and that is why this scheme always remains in news for the one or the other reason.. We have taken action against 550 officers and booked them for their alleged role in bungling. We have taken action against one Additional Development Commissioner and 6 others in Shopian and taken scores of Block Development Officers to task after receiving complaints against them,” Sagar told .The Minister admitted that there are some failures. “We have given a toll free number and we address the prob
lems of the people within three days. Whatever work is being done during has been put on line during the evening under Management of Information Services (MIS) and I personally believe there are least chances for offenders to save their skin,” he said.“Terming the report as encouraging, Director, Rural and Development Department, Mir Altaf Hussain told  that the department has been trying it best to stop bungling and book the accused whose actions bring a slur on the scheme. “Exceptaions are always there. There were some reports of bungling in South Kashmir’s Shopian District where we took cognizance and referred the case to Vigilence while as the department has been keeping strict vigil on those Sarpanchas and Panchas who allegedly use this scheme for their personal benefits,” he said. “We are applying a different mechanism to get the scheme implemented in a successful manner, he added.

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