Thursday 11 July 2013

Dy CM reviews pace of School mapping, vacancies & upgradation of schools, Directs for speeding up recruitment against vacant posts


SRINAGAR, JULY 11: Deputy Chief Minister, Mr. Tara Chand Thursday impressed upon officers of School Education Department to strictly adhere to the instructions issued by Administrative department for ensuring smooth functioning of educational institutions of the State or otherwise face disciplinary action under rules for showing dereliction in performing their routine duties.Deputy Chief Minister was addressing a State level officers meeting of school education department today, convened to review the pace of school mapping in RMSA and SSA, availability of teacher posts, pace of filling up vacancies, transfers of teachers and upgradation of schools.Minister of State for School Education, Mr Feroz Ahmed Khan was also present on the occasion.Secretary School Education, Mr Hirdesh kumar, Director, School Education, Mr Mir Tariq Ali, Director, School Education, Jammu, Mr P. R. Pole, State Project Director, SSA, Mr. S. C. Sahni, Director,  RMSA, MR. H. A. Parray, CEO’s, ZEO’s and other senior officers of school education attended the meeting. Reviewing the issue related to school mapping, Deputy Chief Minister directed for completion of the task within a week’s period, so that the required information is forwarded to union Government well in time. Tara Chand appreciated CEO Anantnag for completing school mapping of the district in stipulated time frame and asked other CEO’s to do the same by obtaining guidance from Administrative department as well as CEO Anantnag. Deputy Chief Minister took serious note of the transfers of teachers ordered by a number of CEO’s on their own and directed the erring officers to explain their position for deviation  of Government order in this behalf. In order to ensure availability of teachers in all the schools of the State and to provide proper teaching facilities, Deputy Chief Minister ordered all the CEO’s to identify posts of teachers under the RBA and ALC category in their districts, so that the process of recruitment against such vacancies is taken up on war footing basis. He also took review of the pace of upgradation of various schools and sought details from concerned officers.On this occasion, the meeting was informed that under civil works of SSA, 3243 Primary School building, 578 Middle School building, 4869 ACR’s, 40 BRC’s, 213 CRC’s, 38 KGBVs, 117 boundary walls and 1286 Ramps were constructed and completed in Kashmir Division.Similarly, under the opening up and upgradation of school schemes under SSA, 2976 new schools were opened, 2696 Primary Schools upgraded to Middle School and 1302 EGS Centres elevated into Primary Schools, besides 5870 RET’s were engaged in newly opened schools, 5253 in new Middle Schools and 2564 in Primary Schools.

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