Wednesday 17 July 2013

Taj Mohi-ud-Din enhancing medical-sports facilities in state

Jammu, July 17: Minister for Medical Education, Youth Services and Sports, Taj Mohi-ud-Din, is enhancing medical and sports facilities in Jammu and Kashmir by reshaping the present structure.As per the information, Taj has worked remarkably especially in uplifting the sports section in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It was during his tenure that cricket players like Parvez Rasool and Shubham Khajuria found their place in the Indian Cricket Team. Not only this, but he also ensured that basic facilities were being provided to sports lovers in every nook and crook of the state. In order to make sure that every single talented youth lives his dream, he was the one who announced development, maintenance and construction of stadiums in far flung areas of Jammu and Kashmir. Taj seems to be committed to develop sports infrastructure throughout the state and in this direction special attention has already been paid by the present dispensation to augment the sports infrastructure. A number of steps in the recent past are taken by the minister for developing play grounds and extending better sports facilities to the young budding youth so that they are able to exhibit their talent. It was his continuous demand, that made Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to promise and announce a package of Rs 700 crore over a period of five years in order to boost the mechanism of sports in Jammu and Kashmir .
Taj  told that potential for sports in state is much higher than expected. The only thing that we lacked was proper management and I am taking every possible step to ensure that every youth of the state achieves his desired goal. "I am making sure that all the sports lovers gets the required facilities and these facilities in return will boost their morale and they will shine one day and with them will shine the name of our state", he added.
While taking views from different sports lovers across the state, News gathering  found that most of them are feeling merrier, since Taj took on the ministry of sports. "We are glad that Taj Mohi-ud-din took charge as the minister for Sports and Youth Affairs and because of him sports in the state witnesses a boom" , they added by saying that, his efforts and determination towards the youth of the state made all the developments possible.
Now considering his role medical education, Taj knew that the State was facing shortage of qualified doctors due to the expansion of health infrastructure, more so in rural and hilly areas. He was also aware that the intake capacity of the GMCs was fixed some 40 years back after which it was never reviewed. So he came up with a proposal which was meant to put an end to all these prevailing problems. He dropped a proposal to the Central government regarding increase in the intake capacity of medical colleges in the state.

In July 2013, the Centre accepted the proposal and said that it would be applicable from this year's academic session. This proposal increased the intake capacity of Government Medical Colleges of Srinagar and Jammu from 100 to 150 and that of SKIMS Medical College, Bemina from 50 to 100. With this, 150 seat were added to these colleges. Taj recently in February flagged off issues for better management of hospitals and healthcare in the state, by stressing upon the need for rationalizing human resource in medical services for better results to the society. He also asked for adoption of Medical Council of India (MCI) norms for better and quality services at the hospitals and ensuring quality surgical equipments and using generic medicine at hospitals which are in line with the prescribed norms throughout the country. Taj said government is willing to make rules governing the services of doctors more flexible hinting at making amendments in existing rules as well to make their working more comfortable. This is not the end as he has done much more for the development and prosperity of the general public are far as both the sectors are concerned

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