Thursday 29 November 2012

Shia-Suni should hold the bond of brotherhood:- Shabir shah

 Shia-Suni should hold the bond of brotherhood:- Shabir shah 

Srinagar: Democratic freedom party Chairman Shabir Ahmad Shah has appealed to the Shia-Suni that they should hold the bond of brotherhood with strong hands under any circumstances and should not fell prey to the conspiracy forces.“We have been fighting together the freedom struggle from the last 65 years and we should keep that in mind while facing the forces that are hell bent upon disturbing the unity of our community,” he said adding that the religious inscription on a foreign product in a conspiracy against us.“We should let anybody to take advantage of anything and should not let them create a divide between Shia and Suni community. We are one
and we should create any divide between ourselves. We as a responsible should not let the conspiracy forces to create any kind of barrier between us, he said.There are anti-Islam forces headed by America who want to disturb our unity and take advantage out of that situation. “We have to collectively fight against them in one voice and not against oneanother. Shia-Sunni unity is the way to fight against these evil forces ,” Shah said.

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