Thursday 13 June 2013


SRINAGAR, 13 JUN 2013: Air Force School, Srinagar organised a splendid and colourful display of drill, aerobics, Yoga and other track & field events on the occasion of Annual Sports Day. The sports meet was declared open by the chief guest Air Commodore B Balachandran, Air Officer Commanding, Air Force Station Srinagar.The enthusiasm and sportsmanship displayed by tiny tots was noteworthy. In spite of their tender age, they exhibited articulate co-ordination and indomitable spirit. The efforts put in by the Head Mistress, teaching & non teaching staff for the success of the event were lauded by one and all. Prizes were distributed by guest of honour Mrs Preetha Balachandran, President AFWWA (L). Chairman School Management Committee Air Commodore B Balachandran presented the rolling trophy for best house to the Raman Sadan. Outstanding support was offered for administrative arrangements by CRPF and BSF. Air Officer Commanding Srinagar congratulated the Head Mistress Mrs Babita Vatsragi, staff and education section for organizing such an event, which gave outlet to the children to display their skill and talent.

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