Thursday 13 June 2013

Shopian Annual Plan pegs for Rs. 6529 lakh Peerzada calls for concerted efforts for making J&K a prosperous State

SRINAGAR, JUNE 13: The District Development Board (DDB) meeting which held here today under the Chairmanship of Minister for Public Enterprises, Haj, Auqaf and Floriculture Peerzada Mohammad Sayeed, approved Rs. 6529.02 lakh plan outlay for Shopian District for 2013-14. The plan includes Capital component of Rs. 4822.05 lakh and revenue component of Rs. 1706.97 lakh.Legislators Mrs. Mehbooba Mufti, Mr. Abdul Razak Zawoora and Mr. Showket Hussain Ganai were present in the meeting.Addressing the meeting, the Minister threw light on the historical background of Shopian and said that it is the gate way of Kashmir Valley, adding that 2.51Lakh MTs of fresh and dry fruit is being produced and dispatche3d to the various markets within the country and exported as well having a market value of Rs. 500 Crore.The Minister appreciated the District Administration for ensuring the maximum utilization of available funds. He asked the officers to perform their duties with dedication, so that the funds approved for the current fiscal are also utilized in full and development scenario of the district is improved. He also asked them to take on board the public representatives while formulating any development project of public utility, so that the demands of people of all the areas are accommodated equitably andaccordingly.Calling for concerted efforts for making J&K a prosperous State, Peerzada asked the concerned for fully utilizing the funds provided by the Government of India for development purposes. He also asked them to use local resources for the welfare of the people of the State.Responding to the demands raised by legislators about their respective Constituencies, the Minister directed the concerned officers to take appropriate actions for redressing their grievances. He also assured the legislators that the decisions taken in the DDB meetings would be implemented in letter and spirit.The meeting took sector-wise review of Financial and Physical achievements registered during the last year’s district annual plan and action taken to implement the decisions taken in the last DDB meeting.District Development Commissioner (DDC), Shopian Mr. Mohammad Javid Khan presented power point presentation and presented the highlights of the achievements registered under various sectors during 2012-13. He also proposed proposals of some new development projects for the district which were specially recommended for sanction by the DDB.The meeting was informed that developmental projects worth Rs. 260 crore have been completed during last one year, adding that the developmental projects of Rs. 280 crore are expected to be completed during current fiscal.Among others, heads of various departments, district and Sectoral officers of the district also attended the meeting

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