Friday 21 December 2012

killing of the Sarpanch. Zaffar paid tributes to Sopore martyrs condemns destroying of orchards and public property

INB NEWS KASHMIR ,December 21: while paying glowing tributes to Sopore martyrs, Senior Hurriyat leader and Jammu and Kashmir salvation movement chairman Zaffar Akbar Bhat has condemned ‘deliberately destroying the houses and apple orchards during the course of so called 72 hour long encounter’.Zaffar Akbar Bhat, who arrived last evening here in Srinagar after the completion of weeklong mass contact program in Jammu and Delhi during which they organized a protest rally on the eve of international human rights day, talked to the affected families over telephone as he was not allowed by security forces at Mirgund to go ahead. He expressed sympathies with the affected families. He said that he was informed by Gulam Mohd Dar and Khatija Begum that security forces without any justification or reason destroyed their residential houses and orchards.Bhat said, “Security forces have used earth excavation machines and have uprooted over hundred apple trees spread over to 20 Kanals of Land, each one among these trees generating an income of rupees one lakh per year.” Adding that army in state is repeating scenes of nineties during which forces have completely destroyed habitations, killed lakhs of innocent youth, molested our young sisters and destroyed property of locals worth over thousand cores .Zaffer Akbar bhat has condemned the action of Indian forces in Sopore in which they destroyed people’s property especially orchards. He has appealed international forums, human rights wings, environment activists to come out in support of innocent kashmiri people and play their role.Zaffer Akbar bhat paid glowing tributes to martyrs including a 10th class student who was martyred by the troops in Sopore and said, “Martyrs have highlighted and centre staged Kashmir issue, we will to continue the mission of these martyrs till the people of Jammu and Kashmir were given their inalienable right to self-determination.”He said that the mission of the martyrs secure Kashmiris’ right of right to self-determination would never derelict.Earlier Cheif coordinator of Jammu and Kashmir salvation movement, Gulam Ahmad Azad along with several party leaders and activists visited Saidpora Sopore and paid glowing tributes to martyrs. Delegation also visited the families of martyrs including Aatir Dar and expressed sympathies with them. They also condemned the brutal action of Indian forces in which they have destroyed property and even orchards of people without any justification or reason.Meanwhile, Party chairman Zaffar Akbar Bhat along with other party activists and leaders visited Fatheh Kadal Srinagar and paid tributes to Mukhti Begum whose three sons were martyred by Indian forces in past years.He said, “Important contribution in this movement is of mothers who have scarified by giving their loved children to the movement who have laid their lives for securing right to self determination.”He said that similarly the contribution such mothers especially Mukhti Begum can’t be sidelined, who gave her three sons, Arjumand, Hilal Ahmad and Arshid Ahmad to Kashmir movement. He prayed for the departed soul.

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