Wednesday 5 December 2012

Sheikh Sahib’s birth anniversary Omar describes Sheikh Sahib Architect of progressive, educative J&K

INB NEWS KASHMIR:- DECEMBER 05 – Describing Sher-i-Kashmir, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah architect of progressive, educative and prosperous Jammu and Kashmir, Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah Wednesday said that the reformative, comprehensive and equitable development concept with empowerment of common people its central theme envisioned by the late leader will loom large on the socio-economic and political spectrum of the State forever.Omar said that universalization of education and implementation of land reforms were landmark and path breaking decisions of Sheikh Sahib aimed at development of youth force and socio-economic transformation of farmers. He said that the principal of public empowerment to involve people in policy formulation and implementation of development programmes set by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah holds significance and importance in all times. “Sheikh Sahib’s concept of single line administration to ensure good governance is all time relevant and effective initiative to guide us in rendering needed service to the people”, he added.Paying glowing tributes to Sher-i-Kashmir on the birth anniversary of late leader at a function held at Mazaar-e-Sheikh Sahib, Hazratbal, here, Omar Abdullah said that public cause remained always dearest to Sheikh Sahib and he spent his life to seek wellbeing, dignity and prosperity for the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh irrespective of any consideration of creed, caste, region or religion.Omar said Sher-i-Kashmir was personification of amity, brotherhood and pluralistic ethos of Jammu and Kashmir. “Throughout his life he preached and worked for unity and amity between various sections and regions of the State. His slogan of Hindu-Muslim-Sikh Ithad still reverberates every area of Jammu and Kashmir”, Omar said and referred to the sacrifices made by Sher-i-Kashmir for the State and its people. He said that peaceful means to achieve goals remained benchmark of Sheikh Sahib’s life style. “He and his companions suffered themselves but not let people to suffer”, Omar added and said that Sheikh Sahib pulled society from desperation to dignity and from gloom to enthusiasm.  The Chief Minister said that the best way to pay tributes to Sheikh Sahib will be to strengthen the democratic and secular values and work for empowerment of common man. He said establishment of a powerful and viable panchayat raj in the State would amount realizing the dream of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah. Omar said that transfer of power from secretariat to grass roots and making panchayat raj flourish in the State is determination of his government. He asked the workers and lovers of great leader to work selflessly for development and upliftment of all sections of the society particularly those living below the poverty line.Omar Abdullah asked the workers to make young generation aware of the high principles and sacrifices of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and his mission for prosperous, peaceful, democratic, classless and secular society in Jammu and Kashmir.The Chief Minister on his behalf and on behalf of President, National Conference, Dr. Farooq Abdullah expressed gratitude to people and NC workers for visiting Mazaar-e-Sheikh Sahib and remembering him on his birth anniversary. Omar Abdullah also expressed gratitude to National Conference activists for working hard during recently held election to Legislative Council seats reserved for Panchayat Members. “God will give you sweet fruit for your tireless work”, he told them. Earlier, Omar Abdullah laid floral wreath over the grave of Sheikh Sahib and offered fateh. He also prayed for peace and development in the State and wellbeing of the people.Speaker Legislative Assembly, Mohammad Akbar Lone, Minister for Finance, Abdul Rahim Rather, Minister for Rural Development, Ali Mohammad Sagar, Minister for Medical Education, R. S. Chib, Minister for Higher Education, Abdul Gani Malik, Minister for Social Welfare, Sakina Itoo,  Advisors to the Chief Minister, Mubarak Gul and Devender Singh Rana, Minister of State for Home, Nasir Aslam Wani, Minister of State for R&B, Javaid Ahmed Dar, Legislators including Mustafa Kamal and Irfan Shah, NC Provincial President Ali Mohammad Dar and political leaders also spoke on the occasion.Mehfil-i-Quran Khani was also organized by the National Conference on the occasion at the Mazaar in which various people participated.

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